Voice Male provides the opportunity for men to meet regularly, make new friends and have constructive discussions about men’s health and wellness, local and world events.
First and Third Thursday each Month
10.00am -12.00pm
Cost: FREE
Morning tea provided.
Contact the centre for more information
Projex J - Grief support group
A relaxed and informal get together for people experiencing grief of any type.
Projex J recognises the importance of connection whilst navigating the grief journey.
First Wednesday of each month 5.30pm – 7.00pm
Contact Chantelle on 0419 661 215 for more information
Peninsula Prostate Cancer Support Group
This group continues to help men with prostate cancer and their partners in a caring confidential environment during treatment and recovery.
Second Wednesday of each month (except January)
7.00pm – 8.30pm.
Phone 0422 608 345 or email peninsulapcsg@hotmail.com for more info.
NA (Narcotics Anonymous) Men's Group
A support group for people for whom drugs have become a problem. Recovering addicts meet regularly to help each other build a new way of life. Every Tuesday 7.30pm – 9.30pm.
Phone Victorian NA Helpline on 9525 2833 for more info.
AI - Anon Family Groups
A family support group meeting for people who live with or are close to somebody suffering from alcohol addiction. Every Sunday 10.00am – 11.30am. Phone Jude on 0411 864 237 for more info.